


I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the 非终身教职员工组织 (UFO) at 加州州立大学,多明格斯山. 

II. Constitution

这个组织的目的, 以下简称UFO, is to bring together members of the probationary untenured faculty at 加州州立大学,多明格斯山 with the following goals:

2.01 Support probationary untenured faculty by communicating and providing suggestions to relevant Academic Affairs units (e.g., Provost’s Office, Faculty Development Center, Deans, Faculty Affairs, Graduate Studies and Research) for the development and implementation of programs and activities to support faculty in their scholarship, teaching, professional, service, 和学院活动,以满足保留, 任期和晋升(RTP)期望;

2.02 Develop, 提供和实施各种UFO活动, events and opportunities to support untenured faculty as part of the work of the faculty organization;

2.03 Promote positive communication with other internal and external units outside of Academic Affairs (e.g.(学生事务处及社会各界);

2.04 Provide and identify opportunities for untenured faculty to develop and enhance their skills in the area of leadership and professional development by becoming more actively involved in important University, community, and professional service.

2.05 Create a collegial social support network and foster personal friendships and a sense of community among the members of the organization; 

2.06 为公开对话提供安全和保密的论坛, conversation, 在成员之间共享信息. UFO members agree that the internal communications and business of the organization shall be honored, 在适当的情况下受到尊重和保密.

III. Bylaws


3.01 会员应包括加州州立大学所有试用的非终身教职员工, Dominguez Hills.

3.02 每年秋天,UFO的会员资格将自动授予所有非终身教职员工.

3.03 希望退订会员资格的教员必须书面通知UFO.g.(通过电子邮件)表示他们不希望成为会员. 应会员的要求,可随时终止会员资格.

3.04 希望重新激活UFO会员资格的教师可以在一年中的任何时候通知UFO.

3.05 各成员的参与权、特权、表决权和利益一律平等.

IV. 会员大会

4.01 Notice of time and place of general membership meetings shall be sent via email to members with as much notice as possible.

4.02 Emergency general membership meetings may be called by the Chair of the organization’s Executive Board or by the Executive Officers. Written or email notice of special meetings shall be sent to the general membership as soon as possible.

V. Executive Officers

5.01 UFO的执行官员将进行管理, direct, administer, 并控制组织的活动和事务.

5.02 The Executive Officers will work closely with and provide information and updates to relevant committees (e.g. 教师研究研讨会计划委员会)以及教务长等办公室, Deans, Faculty Affairs and others.

5.03 执行干事应将必要的职责委托给有关委员会, 并根据需要建立新的委员会.

5.04 所有执行干事任职时不应获得金钱补偿.

5.05 Notice of time and place of Executive Officer meetings shall be sent to all Officers at least one day prior to such meeting.

5.06 行政人员会议对本组织的所有成员开放.

5.07 A quorum (51%) of the Executive Officers must be achieved to transact any official UFO business.

5.08 出席行政人员会议是至关重要的. 因此,官员应提前通知UFO主席冲突或缺席.

5.09 执行干事可在不召开会议的情况下采取行动, 如果所有高级管理人员口头或书面同意(e.g., email) to such action; such consent shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Officers.

VI. 执行委员会官员和职责

6.01 该组织的执行官员应由主席和董事会成员组成.

6.02 The Chair 应:担任组织的首席执行官,并应, 须经全体会员同意, perform all duties of her or his office in 与执行干事协商 and the general membership. The major tasks of the Chair include: write and send meeting agendas to all Executive Officers; preside at all UFO meetings; ensure effective governance of the Executive Officers and the general membership for the purpose of realizing goals; provide capable and energetic representation of the organization at the campus and community level.

6.03 董事会成员(最多8人) shall: develop and implement an active agenda for the year of activities and programs consistent with the purpose of the UFO; serve as Chief Coordinator of all Special Interest Committees (SICs) and other ad hoc committees; assemble and chronicle a photographic and written archive of the organization's activities and programs; be responsible to take nominations, 创建和分发选票(电子), count and ascertain a fair and ethical election and voting process for the organization; and other tasks that are deemed necessary by the Chair.

VII. 行政人员成员的资格和免职

7.01 所有UFO的执行官员必须是终身职位, 在大学有良好信誉的见习教员.

7.02 Any Executive Officer may be asked to step down from office for failing to adequately execute their assigned duties and responsibilities, or for no confidence. 这一过程应包括公平警告, 与执行干事协商, 回应或反驳的正当程序, discussion, 决定和最后的正式投票. 执行人员应任命一名替代执行人员完成年度任期.

VIII. 选举行政人员及成员

8.01 除了创立年份, a Spring General Elections meeting shall be announced and held for members interested in serving as officers of the UFO beginning July 1. For the founding year, interested faculty must notify the Associate Provost in writing indicating which position they are interested in serving. For all subsequent years, interested faculty must notify the UFO Chair or UFO Broad Members in writing of the position they would like to serve.

8.02 提名程序应公开进行, fair process for the purpose of creating an inclusive nomination slate for a full vote by the membership.

8.03 选举选票将由UFO主席以电子方式发送给所有UFO成员.

8.04 行政人员选举产生,任期两年, 每年选举产生一半的董事会成员. 这样,制度知识的连续性得以保持.

8.05 所有在大学表现良好的UFO成员都有资格投票.

8.06 In the event that after all reasonable attempts a position cannot be filled or in the event of a withdrawal, 主席可任命一名替代委员.

IX. Fiscal Year

9.01 UFO的财政年度为7月1日至6月30日.

9.02 UFO membership meetings and events will typically take place during the academic year (August through May).

9.03 Executive Officers will be expected to fulfill the duties throughout the fiscal year as relevant.

X. Bylaws & Amendments

10.01 Amendments to this constitution and bylaws may be made by formal voting of a majority vote of Executive Officers.

Date: October 2018

Location: 学院发展中心(LIB 1940)

Founding Officers:

  • President - Heather Butler
  • Secretary - Fynnwin Prager
  • Treasurer - Justin Gammage
  • Promotions & 文档主席- Brant Burkey, Arumugam Thangavel, Payman Nasr
  • 选举主席-田原惠美
  • 研究支持主席-詹妮弗·萨姆纳,帕特里克·斯蒂尔
  • Service & 专业发展支持主席:Hannah Nguyen, Linda Goldman, Hugo Asencio
  • 教学支持主席- Heather Kertyzia, Rui Sun, Bin Tang, Ryan Bowles Eagle, Karina Kim, William David Brice
  • 社交主席- Shari Berkowitz, Heather Kertyzia


Statement of Purpose

The 非终身教职员工组织 (UFO) has been established as a faculty-based organization dedicated to providing voice and support to the untenured, 加州州立大学的见习教员, Dominguez Hills.

As an organization, we pledge to work collaboratively with Academic Affairs and other relevant offices in order to achieve the following goals:

  1. Support probationary untenured faculty by advocating for and providing consultation to relevant Academic Affairs units (e.g., Provost’s Office, Faculty Development Center, Deans, Faculty Affairs, Research Foundation) for the development and implementation of programs and activities to support faculty in their scholarship, teaching, professional, service, 和学院活动,以满足保留, 任期和晋升(RTP)期望;
  2. Develop, 提供和实施各种UFO活动, events and opportunities to support untenured faculty as part of the work of the faculty organization;
  3. Promote positive communication with other internal and external units outside of Academic Affairs (e.g.(学生事务处及社会各界);